Friday, November 20, 2009

How can the concept of “tinkering school” be applied to Chilean public classrooms?

First of all, it is important for me to mention that tinkering school is something that I strongly believe that is that should be applied in public Chilean education. The concept of this school stimulates aspects that it seems to me are missing in our scholar system, especially in the public system, such as the creativity, autonomy, self-confidence and working in teams. These aspects are missing because most of the schools in Chile are worried of getting good results in the standard test like SIMCE and PSU instead of concerning in the things that are really important in education; form human beings.

I consider that the concept of the tinkering school should help a lot in make of the Chilean education something better. In the Chilean schools people is not educating, because they are not there to be good human beings they are just receiving instruction to get adapted in the society that we live, which is selfish and do not consider the possibility of working in groups, as the children from this school do, so the first thing important to apply from tinkering school in Chilean public school would be that, the working in teams where people really collaborate to each other and not working in groups as students do in which each of the integrants work alone. Also, it is important to develop the aspects mentioned in the first paragraph. Creativity should be applied as in the video Gever says that children learn doing. Autonomy can be develop giving the students the possibility of creating things and do not repressing to student to do the things as the teacher like, which is totally connected to creativity and would help to improve self-confidence in students.

If the concept of tinkering school were applied in the Chilean public classroom it could help a lot in order to make of education something better because it would help to people to be more human and not to work all life to get the results that society expects. If at school children really learnt to be human being- as must be- then our society can be totally different.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Using Sound in the Classroom


a heart beat
car's horn

When I saw the post and I saw the activity we had to do I did not figure out how the activities were going to be about. I did not have expectations about it. My first impression was that it was interesting. I have never thought that there were many activities that teachers can do in the classroom to practice listening skills and attentiveness. I think those activities are good for people like me who tend to loose the attention when they see a fly in the air. With the activities that are presented on the webpage, I remembered the activity that we did in a language lesson in which we had to pay attention to the sounds that we heard which was very interesting and now that I relate it with the lesson from the webpage I think it was much more interesting because it can be very useful especially for me to practice my listening skills and attentiveness.

Then, I saw the lesson plans that were in the webpage and I really like them. I consider that they are very creative and motivating for the students because those activities are not the typical ones that teachers do at schools. I liked the “Unraveling a cultural mystery: Nepal” lesson plan because I like the way the activy is developed. I like that students are introduced to the activity through little narrations that put to students in context and make the activity more attractive because they would feel that they are protagonist in the story and then when they hear the sounds they get in to it. I also like it because I think that with this activity, students can not only practice listening skills, they also practice speaking when they share their ideas. So this is a very interactive lesson plan and because of that I love it! I hope you like it too!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Barbara and Fran's presentation questions

As future teacher, what are you going to do in order to do not be another brick in the wall?

How could you relate the Pink Floyd song to you ELAB?

Do you think that what school is giving to students nowadays is education? Or is it just instruction?


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Movies v/s Trailers

The presentation was based on the differences between a movie and its trailer. A trailer is a summary of a movie. It is supposed to contain the important scenes or the main idea of the movie. But the group conceived that it is difficult to get what the movie is about through its trailer. They concluded that because they did an experiment- Marta watched the whole film, Vanesa only the trailer and Anita watched both.

Marta who has watched the film thought that the trailer was similar to the movie and it made a lot of sense to her. O the other hand, Vanesa, then of having watched the trailer watched the film and concluded that trailers do not show information that is important in the movie. Then, when people watch the movie, because they considered that the trailer was good, they get disappointed because the movie was not as interesting as the trailer they watched.

Vanesa also mentioned that the scenes are not in the correct order so; it is so difficult to comprehend the movie through the trailer. Something similar to Vanesa’s experience happened to Anita. She had an idea of the movie before watching it but then she realized the movie was different to the trailer. She considered the movie has better that she expected.

At the end they concluded that what they had seen in the trailer was totally different to the movie. They had expected to watch a comedy but finally it was a kind of drama. They had that impression because the trailer shows the most colourful scenes of the film and that makes them get another idea of the movie. Finally, they said they can apply this thinking- the things that are presented before something ae not from the best point of view- to another subjects.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Trying to be as a poet!

Don't go...

I was wandering around the room
with no direction clear
when suddenly I glanced at you
and your eyes were full of fear.

Running I were you where
where you dying were
and I cry out for god that you
you could come back from there.

Alone, in the train station.

I was walking down the street
wanting to see you again
Crying because I knew
that you have left me alone
waiting for the train.

Suddenly I saw your reflex in that little piece of glass
And you look as sad as me that I wanted come back to start
but then, the painful enter to my heart
When I realized that it was just me
just me looking as you
because I can't forget all the moments
all the moments that I lived with you.

Friday, August 21, 2009

When I watched the video I listened to two phrases that are etched on my memory.

People reach succes and then fail

I’m enough I don’t need to improve anymore

When I listened to these phrases I immediately thought in my experience as learner. I remember that many times I have had those feelings. And that happens because as the man of the video said, when we get what we want we relaxed ourselves and do not continue working hard. The same happens to me. For example, when I realize that I know enough about any topic I don’t make some much more effort in continuing improving and that is something that we, as students, have to reflect about. We have to change that attitude, we have to try our harder in every single thing that we do in our life, above all if it has to do with our studies. We are going to be teachers and we have to be cultured persons in the most matters possible, not only in our specialty.

. · * Anything is enough if we talked about learning * · .

Friday, August 14, 2009


You know what? I was thinking about my life and all the things I have done since I can remember. I was wondering if I was a successful person. At the beginning I thought that I was not. Then of having thought it carefully, I can say that I am a successful person because every single thing that I have set myself to goal has been a success. Always when I want to achieve something I try my hardest, and most of the times my hard work pays off and I achieve my aims.

I remember a time that something gave me an enormous sense of achievement. It was when I was in high school. All the years at primary school I had been a good student, but something happened to me that in ninth and tenth year that situation changed. I was not the worst student but my marks were not a reason to be proud of myself. So, I decided to revert to everything that had gone bad at first and it turned out well in the end. My aim was to be the best student and get excellent marks in order to be admitted in a good university. So, I changed my mind and I studied a lot the next two years before I finished the high school. Those years I did very well and at the end I could be proud of myself, again.