Thursday, November 12, 2009

Using Sound in the Classroom


a heart beat
car's horn

When I saw the post and I saw the activity we had to do I did not figure out how the activities were going to be about. I did not have expectations about it. My first impression was that it was interesting. I have never thought that there were many activities that teachers can do in the classroom to practice listening skills and attentiveness. I think those activities are good for people like me who tend to loose the attention when they see a fly in the air. With the activities that are presented on the webpage, I remembered the activity that we did in a language lesson in which we had to pay attention to the sounds that we heard which was very interesting and now that I relate it with the lesson from the webpage I think it was much more interesting because it can be very useful especially for me to practice my listening skills and attentiveness.

Then, I saw the lesson plans that were in the webpage and I really like them. I consider that they are very creative and motivating for the students because those activities are not the typical ones that teachers do at schools. I liked the “Unraveling a cultural mystery: Nepal” lesson plan because I like the way the activy is developed. I like that students are introduced to the activity through little narrations that put to students in context and make the activity more attractive because they would feel that they are protagonist in the story and then when they hear the sounds they get in to it. I also like it because I think that with this activity, students can not only practice listening skills, they also practice speaking when they share their ideas. So this is a very interactive lesson plan and because of that I love it! I hope you like it too!


  1. Fifi,
    I like your post.It's so interesting to watch the point of view of our classmates and see how close are our ideas about using new activities in the class.

  2. I totally agre with you. I havent realized how many activities we can do to improve listening skills in students. Now I have a lot of ideas! and yours was excellent. I hope you can put in practice some day.

    See you!

  3. Fernanda
    I like your post, you wrote very good comments about it. WE as teachers can influence in students motivation and create different activities realate with sounds which can improve students abilities.

    take care
