Friday, November 20, 2009

How can the concept of “tinkering school” be applied to Chilean public classrooms?

First of all, it is important for me to mention that tinkering school is something that I strongly believe that is that should be applied in public Chilean education. The concept of this school stimulates aspects that it seems to me are missing in our scholar system, especially in the public system, such as the creativity, autonomy, self-confidence and working in teams. These aspects are missing because most of the schools in Chile are worried of getting good results in the standard test like SIMCE and PSU instead of concerning in the things that are really important in education; form human beings.

I consider that the concept of the tinkering school should help a lot in make of the Chilean education something better. In the Chilean schools people is not educating, because they are not there to be good human beings they are just receiving instruction to get adapted in the society that we live, which is selfish and do not consider the possibility of working in groups, as the children from this school do, so the first thing important to apply from tinkering school in Chilean public school would be that, the working in teams where people really collaborate to each other and not working in groups as students do in which each of the integrants work alone. Also, it is important to develop the aspects mentioned in the first paragraph. Creativity should be applied as in the video Gever says that children learn doing. Autonomy can be develop giving the students the possibility of creating things and do not repressing to student to do the things as the teacher like, which is totally connected to creativity and would help to improve self-confidence in students.

If the concept of tinkering school were applied in the Chilean public classroom it could help a lot in order to make of education something better because it would help to people to be more human and not to work all life to get the results that society expects. If at school children really learnt to be human being- as must be- then our society can be totally different.


  1. I see youre point. In our country schools teach only instruction and discipline. The idea is that teachers play with the students' creativity and imagination.


  2. First of all, it is important for me to mention that tinkering school is something that I strongly believe that should be applied in public Chilean education. The concept of this school stimulates aspects that seems to me are missing in our scholar system, especially in the public system, such as creativity, autonomy, self-confidence and teamwork. These aspects are missing because most of the schools in Chile are worried about getting good results on the standard tests like SIMCE and PSU instead of concerning themselves with the thing that is really important in education: forming human beings.

    I consider that the concept of the tinkering school should help a lot in making the Chilean education something better. In the Chilean schools people are not educating because they are not there to be good human beings. They are just receiving instruction to get adapted in the society that we live, which is selfish and does not consider the possibility of working in groups, as the children from this school do. Therefore, the first important thing to apply from tinkering school in the Chilean public school would be that, working in teams where people really collaborate with each other and don't work in groups as students do in which each of the members works alone. Also, it is important to develop the aspects mentioned in the first paragraph. Creativity should be applied as in the video. Gever says that children learn by doing. Autonomy can be developed giving the students the possibility of creating things and not repressing the student, making him/her do the things as the teacher likes, which is totally connected to creativity and would help to improve self-confidence in students.

    If the concept of tinkering school were applied in the Chilean public classroom, it could help a lot in order to make education something better because it would help people be more human and not work the whole life to get the results that society expects. If at school children really learnt to be human being- as must be- then our society could be totally different.
