Thursday, October 29, 2009

Barbara and Fran's presentation questions

As future teacher, what are you going to do in order to do not be another brick in the wall?

How could you relate the Pink Floyd song to you ELAB?

Do you think that what school is giving to students nowadays is education? Or is it just instruction?


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Movies v/s Trailers

The presentation was based on the differences between a movie and its trailer. A trailer is a summary of a movie. It is supposed to contain the important scenes or the main idea of the movie. But the group conceived that it is difficult to get what the movie is about through its trailer. They concluded that because they did an experiment- Marta watched the whole film, Vanesa only the trailer and Anita watched both.

Marta who has watched the film thought that the trailer was similar to the movie and it made a lot of sense to her. O the other hand, Vanesa, then of having watched the trailer watched the film and concluded that trailers do not show information that is important in the movie. Then, when people watch the movie, because they considered that the trailer was good, they get disappointed because the movie was not as interesting as the trailer they watched.

Vanesa also mentioned that the scenes are not in the correct order so; it is so difficult to comprehend the movie through the trailer. Something similar to Vanesa’s experience happened to Anita. She had an idea of the movie before watching it but then she realized the movie was different to the trailer. She considered the movie has better that she expected.

At the end they concluded that what they had seen in the trailer was totally different to the movie. They had expected to watch a comedy but finally it was a kind of drama. They had that impression because the trailer shows the most colourful scenes of the film and that makes them get another idea of the movie. Finally, they said they can apply this thinking- the things that are presented before something ae not from the best point of view- to another subjects.